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Getting Started,  Seed Starting

How to Thin Seedlings (& Get Microgreens!)

Have you planted all your garden seeds, and now they’re starting to sprout? That’s excellent! This also means it will be time to thin them soon. As painful as it may be, it is best to thin your seedlings down to the one healthiest sprout per cell space or container after the first couple sets of true leaves appear. Thinning is a very important step in the seed-starting process to result in the most healthy, successful plants possible! They will thank you with explosive growth!

This post will discuss several methods of thinning, their pros and cons, what to do with the thinned seedlings, and other best practices. A thinning demonstration video is included at the end! If you’re interested in tips for starting seeds, read more here.

Click here to jump straight to the demo video
A bench in a greenhouse is full of small green seedlings. You can tell that there are many sprouts in each container, tightly packed and all touching. Grow lights hang above the seedlings. Shown are cucumbers, kale, asian greens, mustard greens, and many type of flower seedlings.
One bench in the greenhouse, just three weeks after we sowed all of our seeds! Look how crowded it is in here! Definitely time to thin.

Why thin seedlings?

When left un-thinned, seedlings that are in tight quarters will compete with one another for nutrients, water, air, and root space. Those are not things you want to deprive your seedlings of! In addition to concerns about competition, crowding seedlings also increases the risk for disease. This is primarily due to the reduced airflow between the plants. Bad guys like powdery mildew love cramped conditions, and also spread spores when leaves rub against one another. All of this applies to seedlings (or plants) that are started indoors in containers, and outside in the garden.

When to Thin Seedlings

It is best to wait until a couple weeks after sprouting, once the plants have developed a set of true leaves or two, but to not wait too much longer after that. The “true leaves” are the ones that emerge after the first set of sprouting leaves. Those very first ones are the embryonic leaves, called cotyledon, and are often times heart-shaped and indistinguishable between different types of plants. The true leaves more closely resemble what the mature plant leaves will look like, but miniature. Once a few of those pop, it helps you scope out the best looking seedlings.

When it comes time to thin, you get to choose the strongest, healthiest, best-looking seedling to keep around. After thinning, the chosen keepers will take off and thrive! Seedlings can quickly become four times the size of the ones that were left unthinned, in just a matter of weeks! Leaving them un-thinned stunts their development immensely.  I have experimented and experienced this first hand, numerous times!


Like many aspects of gardening, this is sort of up to personal preference… but here I will share the two methods we primarily use: trimming, or gently separating apart.

A third option is to pull up on the unwanted seedling, manually plucking them out of their container – sometimes with the hopes of keeping the pulled seedling to replant. We do not use or encourage this practice since it can be a bit risky. Not only might the roots of the pulled seedling get damaged, thwarting your efforts to save it, but the seedling you are hoping to save and leave behind in the container may get damaged or completely pulled up along with it.

Thinning Seedlings by Trimming

Our preferred method to thin most types of seedlings is to trim out the unwanted ones. We simply snip off the smallest, thinnest, or leggiest ones at the root line with small sharp trimming scissors, leaving the chosen one behind.  We really love these trimming scissors and have several pairs! They’re frequently used on this homestead for many projects.

This is how we thin pretty much all of our vegetable seedlings, whether started in containers or directly sown outside. Aside from trying to reduce potential damage, we also just don’t have the need to save the excess ones. With limited space in the raised garden beds and under the lights in the greenhouse, what the heck would we do with all those additional salvaged plants? We already start more than we intend to grow, as extra insurance.  We do not have room for dozens more tomatoes, peppers, or squash on top of that.

Four photos are shown in one. The first shows a 6-pack container of seedlings, with many sprouts in each cell. The second shows a hand holding a small set of trimming scissors. The third photo shows the excess seedlings being trimmed away with the small scissors. Last, it shows the same 6-pack container, now thinned down to only one sprout per cell.
The thinning by trimming process. Those swiss chard will be much more happy now!

Benefits of Trimming:

By cutting instead of pulling, it prevents accidentally distributing the one you’ve chosen to keep – the strongest and thickest looking babe. Since we are not attempting to keep the ones we have thinned out by trimming (as you may do if you are separating them, discussed below), there is no need to pot up or plant out anything at the same time. This makes the thinning process via trimming very quick and easy! All we have to do is snip, and move on.

Note that we also start most of our vegetable seedlings in 4” pots or large cell 6-packs (as opposed to tiny peat pellets or smaller cell packs) which also reduces the urgency to pot them up early. This makes trimming even more appealing for us, as the plants do not need to be fussed with for any reason at the time of thinning. The plants will all be happy in their homes for quite a while, especially after they are thinned.

Potential Drawbacks:

Some people view the loss or “death” of these extra seedlings as a negative thing – an overlooked potential of future plants, or even as a waste. But we do not view it this way! Here is why:


The ones we cut aren’t “going to waste” just because we don’t replant them! The thinnings are nutrient packed micro-greens. We eat them. Or most of them at least.

Which seedlings are edible? So many types! For example, any baby greens like lettuce or kale, other brassicas like broccoli or kohlrabi, or basically any veggie that you could otherwise eat the foliage of – are edible microgreens!  You will find a more complete list below.

These make for an excellent salad or meal topper! We use them mostly raw but can be cooked as well. They also make for a super high-class chicken treat. After cutting them, microgreens stay most fresh and crisp if refrigerated inside a sealed container, like a glass tupperware or ziplock-type bag, with a tiny splash of water in with them.  

Here is a list of edible seedlings,
and also those you want to avoid consuming

  Edible Microgreens Do Not Eat – Compost instead
Pea shoots
Collard Greens
Mustard Greens
Basil or other herbs
Swiss Chard
Bok Choy
You get the point. A lot!
Green Beans

Potato greens – except for
sweet potatoes, they’re okay!

Rhubarb leaves are toxic!

Squash are a maybe?
Some cultures enjoy
eating pumpkin leaves!

Two hands, each holding a bowl full of small baby plants. They're thinned seedlings, now microgreens that can be eaten. The bowls are poised in a greenhouse, in front of redwood benches full of other homegrown garden seedlings and pots in the background.
Look at all these micrograms we ended up with from thinning!

Thinning Seedlings by Separating

Another method used to thin seedlings is by gently separating them. To do this, carefully remove the whole chunk of soil, seedlings and roots out of their small container. You can usually accomplish this by by gently tipping the container on its side and easing the mass out, pushing up from the bottom as needed. Do not pull up on the seedlings themselves!

Gently break up the soil and pull the seedlings apart. As much as possible, take care not to forcibly rip the roots apart if they’re tangled together. Next, either immediately re-pot the ones you want to keep, or get them planted outsidebut only if they’ve been hardened off first! (Post coming on hardening off next week!)

I use this method most often for flower starts, like sunflowers and zinnias. In my humble opinion, there is alwaaaaays more room for flowers in the garden! Especially zinnias, because they’re a monarch favorite! So I like to try to keep as much of those babies alive as possible. They’re usually pretty hardy and can handle this treatment. Also, we usually plant out flowers a bit earlier and smaller than our veggie starts. This means that when I separate them, I can plant them straight outside right then, not needing to repot them. We also do this with fava beans. The tomatoes and peppers need to be babied in the greenhouse for a bit longer.

This is six images in one. It is a step-by-step showing: hands holding a six-pack of young zinnia seedlings, gently easing easing the soil and plants out of one of the cells, the root ball and seedlings then in my hands, and then gently pulling apart the two seedlings into separate pieces, with the roots all still in tact.
Demonstrating the separation method with zinnia seedlings.

Benefits of Separating:

One benefit of pulling apart seedlings is that you can exponentially increase the number of plants that you are keeping.  You could also potentially increase the number of plants that you’re able to start in a smaller space.

For example, if you only have one small shelf and grow light, you could fill one tray with six 6-packs. By using the trimming method, cutting them down to just one plant per cell, the result would be 36 plants. But if instead you separate out the multiple sprouts from each cell, you could easily end up with over a hundred plants! That is a lot of bang for your buck. However, once you separate them, they do need to go somewhere. That leads us to the potential con of this method:

Potential Drawbacks:

When you separate out seedlings, but it’s not yet time to plant them outdoors (e.g. they’re still too young and tender, you haven’t hardened them off yet, or there is still risk of frost) then they’ll need to be potted into individual containers. If we are following the previous example, now what are you going to do with 100 individual containers? Even if you have room for all those in your garden, do you have space and light to keep them happy in the meantime – until they go outside?

Another drawback of this method is the time that it takes. If you need to either pot them all up or plant them all out at the same time as thinning, it makes the process of thinning much more labor-intensive. This can make you less eager to get the task done and procrastinate on thinning, which isn’t in the best interest of the plants! I have felt this way several times, and feel similarly about potting up.

The final potential issue with this method is the risk of harming the plants. As long as you’re gentle and separate them early, many plants do okay with some root disturbance. They usually will not die, even if handled a bit rough. But when I do have to get rough with them, I can’t help but think “How would they have done if I hadn’t torn them apart like that?… Would they be even larger and more robust?”, especially if the plants are doing just so-so out in the garden later. Because while they may not die, root disturbance can cause a slight shock and setback in development.

Some plants have a super sensitive, delicate root system, and do not like to be disturbed at all.

These are ones that should not be thinned using the separation method. They should either be started directly outside in their final destination (called direct-sowing) or use the trimming method to thin them instead.

The following plants do not like to be transplanted, or are sensitive to root disturbance:

  • Beans – direct sow preferred, though early gentle transplanting can be successful
  • Nasturtiums – direct sow preferred
  • Carrots – only direct-sow in place
  • Radishes – only direct-sow in place
  • Squash and Zucchini – okay to start indoors, but do so in a large enough container that they will not become root bound, and transplant out and/or pot up before they do
  • Beets – same notes as squash
  • Spinach – same notes as squash
  • Peas – same notes as squash
  • Melon – same notes as squash

Alright folks! That is the low-down on thinning seedlings! My thoughts and experience with thinning seedlings, that is.

Here is a demonstration video of everything we just discussed!
Check out our YouTube channel for more videos by clicking here!

So, whaddya say? Are you feeling a little less nervous about the situation, and ready to go snip off (or separate) some babies?!? Baby plants, I mean…

If it was time to thin your seedlings, it may also be about time to fertilize your seedlings for the first time too! Check out this post all about how, why, and when we use seaweed extract to fertilize seedlings. It is a gentle, sustainable, and effective multi-purpose organic fertilizer. We love it, and so do the plants!

I hope you found this helpful! If so, share it! Feel free to ask questions in the comments below.


  • Kathleen

    Thank you! Really helpful information from both the written article and the video.

    When do you recommend turning off the heat mats?


    • Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat)

      Hi Kathleen, we typically remove the seedlings from the heat mats once the seeds have germinated and sprout above the soil line. If your seedlings are in a colder environment (60 degrees F or lees), they may grow more quickly if you keep them on heat mats as keeping their soil warmer will help them grow faster. Hope that helps and good luck!

  • Savannah Peacock

    Thanks for this detailed video! I’m just starting my first indoor seedlings and garden this spring. I was wondering, can you feed chickens the tomato cuttings from thinning them?

    • Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat)

      HI Savannah, chickens aren’t supposed to eat any nightshade plant material such as tomato plants, eggplants, potatoes, or peppers as far as the plant greens themselves go. They will gladly eat any seedlings from greens, brassicas, or turnip, beet and radish greens to name a few.

  • Shely

    Hi. I am growing Mexican Sunflower and Zinnia along with some milkweed for Monarchs, for the first time. I noticed the leaf edges of my Mexican Sunflower seedlings after three weeks are turning slightly brown. So, I decided to thin them and repot them separately with the idea of also fertilizing with the seaweed potion you recommended. BUT, I did not have any more seedling mix, so I used Black Gold Natural Potting Mix. Was this a mistake? I just realized that was probably not a good idea since the potting mix has fertilizer in it. I do have another small pot of Mex Suns that need the same treatment. Should I try to use seedling mix and seaweed fertilizer on the second batch? Might make for a good comparison. What has been your experience? THx.

    • Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat)

      Hi Shely, that is totally fine. We usually pot up seedlings if needed into straight potting soil as the larger the plant gets, the more nutrition it needs. Seedling mix is great for the first 2-3 weeks but they often need mores substance after that. Our initial seed starting mix ratio is usually 70% seedling mix and 30% potting mix and that usually will hold most seedlings over for the first month or so of their life before they get planted into the garden or potted up into a larger container. Hope that helps and have fun in the garden.

      • Shelly H

        Ok, great. A couple more questions if I may: Would you still recommend adding the Seaweed Extract food after I repot? Also, I did not expect these plants to germinate so quickly. They will not be planted outdoors for another few weeks until after my last frost (April). Do I have to keep them under my grow light? Thanks again for all of your help. This is definitely a great learning experience. 🙂

        • Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat)

          Hi Shelly, yes you have to keep them under the grow lights until you can plant them outdoors, don’t forget Hardening Off Seedlings to Prevent Transplant Shock so they can have a seamless transition from indoors to the outdoors. If you have the liquid seaweed you can give the seedlings a feeding of that after the repot and they should enjoy the extra bit of nutrition. Hope that helps and good luck!

  • Maxine lewi

    Thank you for so much good information..I have tried seedlings indoors many times, this year I bought heat mat and planting trays with covers. I have never had luck, this year again my plants have a tall thin , weak steams. Steams are about two inches tall with two small leaves on top and are all toppling over. What am I doing wrong

    • DeannaCat

      Do you have a decent grow light, hung low over them? It sounds like not enough light. Did you see our articles about starting seeds indoors?

  • Cerena

    This is the most superlative post on thinning! It’s thorough, thoughtful, super useful to experienced and beginner gardeners both. Usually I do the writing, but in this case I simply linked to your post! You did it! Thank you for a fine piece!

  • Susan Daigneault

    Thank you for this article, I never had any luck with starting seeds. I am looking forward to this year though now that I understand the importance of thinning seedlings!

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